Car engines use two different types of fuel petrol and diesel. If you mistakenly fill petrol in diesel engine car or diesel in petrol engine car then it is wrong fuelling. People fill wrong fuel in their cars and cause damage to engines. Because engines use the wrong fuel to produce power and become useless or require repair or replacement of different parts.
Car manufacturers try to stop it from happening by differentiating the tank opening of the two. It is clear intimation for any person doing this fuel filling job so he/she may stop commuting the mistake. The dispenser of diesel and petrol is also different from each other so that people may not fill wrong fuel.
Another difference is the nozzle. You can realize mistake even by smell of petrol if filling it in diesel engine car. Both carmakers and fuel station service providers are aware of the possibility of wrong fuelling so they have taken different measures to avoid such a blunder.
Even then incidents of wrong fuelling are reported in the UK due to different reasons. When you are driving someone else car there is the possibility of committing the mistake. You have a petrol engine car and you fill petrol in routine into the fuel tank.
But the car you have borrowed or taken on rent is a diesel engine car then the chances of filling petrol in the tank becomes higher. To avoid this kind of situation you need to be aware of the type of fuel to be filled in the car. Petrol in a diesel engine is more damaging than filling diesel in a tank of the petrol engine car.
The solution to this blunder is possible for every stage and you can call for a service provider. It is a mistake that can be done by anyone. After committing the mistake you must show presence of mind and take the key out of the car so that no one can start it. The worst scenario of this mistake is to put the engine to work or try to do so.
Because when contaminated fuel is pumped and get into the engine then you have to bear the maximum cost. You should try to avoid this stage. Try to realize the mistake as early as possible. It is very much possible to come to know about the blinder while doing it so stop it there.
Then calculate how much wrong fuel has been added to the tank. If it is not more than five per cent or will remain five per cent after filling the tank with the right fuel then you can keep the car on the road. If you are concerned about the health of your engine and want it in perfect condition then you should go with draining out the contaminated fuel and then fill the tank with the right fuel.
It is the easiest solution but only before turning the engine on. Once you do this then the wrong fuel gets in the pumping equipment and through that into the engine. Here it damages parts of the engine and prior to its fuel pump. You need to clear the fuel pump from the wrong fuel. Sometimes the engine of the car does not start and thus remain safe from maximum damage.
You can avoid this situation if you remain alert to the warning signs of wrong fuelling. Always be sure and attentive to fill the right fuel in the tank. You must know that the borrowed car use, which kind of fuel. You also need to keep in mind that it is not your car so that you may not insist to fill the same fuel.
When you hear about these mistakes committed by people you should try to stay focus while filling fuel in the car tank. People usually take this job for granted and face consequences. Diesel in petrol engine will hardly put the engine into motion if it does not burn. Replacement of the engine is not only very costly but also damage the car forever.
It may not seem fatal but you can damage the most important part of your car by committing the blunder. If you have a petrol engine car then simply do not try to fix a bigger nozzle into the opening of its tank. It is really simple to realize the difference when you try to fill diesel in petrol engine car.
You can also realize the difference if you feel the strong smell of petrol while filling it in a diesel engine car. The foremost thing is having in mind the type of engine under the hood. If you know this then the chances of committing the mistake of wrong fuelling becomes minimum.
When you do not know or forget the type of engine then you easily fill diesel in a petrol tank and petrol in a diesel tank. We know the source of the two fuels is the same but their characteristics are different and they produce energy through dissimilar procedures. This is why wrong fuelling cause damage to their system. Diesel does not burn so when the petrol engine tries to burn it then the engine fails so damage may remain limited but petrol can be used by diesel engines. It will produce heat and cause great damage. Petrol is devoid of lubricant so surfaces become dry and get damaged.