People fill fuel tanks of their cars with due care but wrong fuelling also happen. This is the kind of mistake that may lead to serious consequences. The worst outcome could be the replacement of the engine and it is a total disaster. Petrol in diesel engine causes more damage if you start the engine or try to do it after wrong fuelling.
You are warned through different intimations including fuel code or name written on dispensers. The best thing you can do after committing a mistake is to avoid turning the engine alive or any such effort. Once you turn the key to start the engine, things get worse.
Thus it is just like any other mistake which becomes bigger as time passes by. When you come to know that the odour of the fuel is strange and strong you must pay attention and stop filling petrol in diesel engine car. Dispense nozzle also loosely fit in fuel tank opening and it can be noticed easily if you are not in hurry.
People who commit wrong fuelling mostly run out of time and take this task for granted. In fact, they commit costly mistake if persist with it. The engine does not work when the wrong fuel is pumped into it or start malfunctioning.
It is just hurriedness that keeps you ignorant of your mistake and cost also increases. The solution for the mistake is present and people must make sure they stop convincing themselves that they have not done anything wrong. The Sooner you realize the problem better it will be for you.
Sometimes it is not simple and replacement of parts becomes necessary. You have to take your car to the workshop and let mechanics inspect your car thoroughly. If you realize the mistake when the nozzle does not fit in the fuel tank and does not start filling fuel then you do not need any kind of service and simply move your car to the right dispenser. Diesel in petrol engine is also filled but not as common as another way round.
Now you can call the service provider to reach you and fix the problem. For next time be careful and pay due attention to filling. You will be lucky enough if you realize the mistake while filling the tank. Immediately stop doing this blunder and see how much wrong fuel has been added.
If there is the possibility to keep it up to five per cent then you can continue your journey. If you are conscious and do not want to take any risk, then simply get it flushed out of the tank and put the right fuel there. It will take time and you have to wait for a mobile workshop to reach you.
It is costly for people because their time and money are both wasted but no other option is left with them. Sometimes people remain unable to notice anything wrong while filling wrong fuel but come to know the mistake when they fill. You just need to push your car aside and wait for a service provider to drain the fuel tank of the car. You must make sure that it is empty so that no problem occurs to any part of the engine.
Different stages of mistake cost you differently and to keep the bill of wrong fuelling minimize, realize it at the earliest. When you try to put the wrong fuel in the tank you get intimation through different signals like a mismatch of fuel tank opening and nozzle of filling pipe, sign, code or name of fuel written on the dispenser and totally different smell of two fuels.
You can notice any of these and stop pouring fuel. It is a mistake that surely irritates because people cannot imagine doing such a blunder. Even after all these indications and efforts from carmakers and fuel station people commit wrong fuelling. We all know what kind of fuel we fill in our cars’ fuel tank but even then we fail to realize while doing this mistake.
Sometimes we travel to other countries and do not understand things and commit a mistake. When we drive someone else car then the chances of wrong fuelling is higher. You use petrol engine car and get a diesel engine car then you could try to fill petrol in the tank of the diesel engine car.
When people hear about such incidents of they should make sure that they do not commit this mistake with their cars. When we are in hurry then anything could happen and wrong fuelling is also happened due to running out of time. It is important to do not panic and take the right decision. Do not try to act smart and persist with a mistake that you have filled the right fuel. Accept it and try to avoid the maximum possible loss. Seek help if you do not have the contact number of the service provider. Petrol and diesel come from the same source but both produce energy through different procedures and engines are also built differently. Their mechanical parts do not accept the wrong fuel and do not produce energy. It is deadly for engine parts and fuel pumps first to face the problem.